Enrollment and Registration

Enrollment and Registration

Formal admission to Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, requires a response to the RUHere confirmation of attendance and acceptance of the Financial Responsibility Statement.  All students, by virtue of registering, agree to comply with the regulations of the university and of the undergraduate colleges.

Registration consists of four essential steps:

  1. Course selection with the aid of faculty advisement or the advising office staff.
  2. Entry of the selected program through Web Registration (webreg.rutgers.edu) for students with system access, or in person at the Registrar’s Office for all other students.
  3. Response to the RUHere confirmation of attendance.
  4. Acceptance of the Financial Responsibility Statement (FRS).

It is important to note that the registration process is complete only after the student has completed a response to the RUHere confirmation, when prompted, during the campaign period and has accepted the Financial Responsibility Statement.

Be sure to carefully review the admission/graduation requirements for the school in which you are considering re-enrollment.

Activation of Registration

A student’s registration is activated upon completion of the RUHere confirmation process and the acceptance of the Financial Responsibility Statement.

Activation of registration does not take place if there are “holds” placed on a student’s records because of failures to meet outstanding obligations of financial, academic, or administrative action.

Financial Holds

The university reserves the right to “hold” registration and diplomas as a result of nonpayment of obligations, to forward delinquent accounts to collection agencies, and to levy a collection fee.  “Holds” will be removed upon satisfaction of the outstanding obligation.

  • Registration – All financial holds must be cleared by the start of each term’s preregistration period.

Withdrawal From All Courses/Leave of Absence

Students wishing to cancel their registration, withdrawal from all of their courses, or take a leave of absence from the university, must follow the University Withdrawal Process to submit an official online withdrawal form.

To cancel registration during the fall and spring terms, and obtain a full refund of tuition and fees, a student must submit an online withdrawal form within the first two weeks of the academic term.  A student whose registration is canceled by the registrar receives a full refund of tuition and fees, and prorated charges for room and board, if applicable. A withdrawal form received on or after the end of the second week of the term is treated, for billing purposes, as a withdrawal and a refund is made based on the general refund policy.

**For Summer and/or Winter course withdrawals, please contact: 

New Brunswick: summer@docs.rutgers.edu
Newark: https://go.rutgers.edu/myrunsupport
RBS – Graduate Students: https://myrbs.business.rutgers.edu/contact-us-graduate
Camden: summercm@camden.rutgers.edu 

General Refund Policy – TUITION REFUND DATES

You may use Webreg to drop courses or cancel your schedule prior to the beginning of a semester and receive 100% refund.  You cannot use Webreg to withdraw completely from school.  You must follow the University Withdrawal Process to submit an official online withdrawal form to cancel your registration. Please visit the student accounting website for more information regarding the refund policy

You cannot drop your last class via Webreg.

Tuition Refund Dates for Credit Load Reduction: Beginning with the first day of class – You can reduce your course load via Webreg only on the published add/drop dates, if permitted by your school.

No reductions are granted after the add/drop period to undergraduate students who withdraw from one or more courses, but remain registered in others.  No adjustment from full time to part time status is made after the add/drop period. If withdrawal from one or more courses amounts to complete withdrawal from a program, the provision for full withdrawal applies.

Failure to attend class is not equivalent to a withdrawal – Students will not receive an adjustment of charges unless an online withdrawal form is submitted, regardless of whether the student actually attended classes or took examinations.

Successive Registrations

All eligible registered matriculated students expecting to continue their programs in the succeeding spring or fall term are advised to take part in that term’s preregistration period in April or November, respectively.

Minimum and Maximum Credit Hour Limits

Please review your specific campus for all credit hour limits.

Change of Course

All students may add or drop courses during the late registration period preceding the term and continuing through the seventh day of the term.  The new ADD/DROP Policy is effective with the Fall 2001 Semester (“students may add courses during the first eight calendar days of the semester, and may drop courses without a “W” during the first seven days of the semester”) and supersedes previously printed and distributed material.

The last day for ALL UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS to drop a course without a “W” grade and a tuition charge is the seventh calendar day of the semester.  These changes may be made using the online registration system (webreg) or in person in accordance with the add/drop schedule.  Priority is given to those students with the greatest number of degree credits already earned. Students may ADD courses during the first eight calendar days of the semester.  As of the ninth class day of the term, no adds are permitted online, and all drops done online after the eighth day of the semester will be assigned a “W” grade.  Changes sought by mail or fax are not accepted at any time.

Changes of registration for full time undergraduate students does not require any fee to be paid.

Exceptions to these regulations can be made only by an Undergraduate College’s Committee on Scholastic Standing. Graduate students should consult their respective Dean’s Offices.

Dropping a Course

Undergraduate students may drop courses until the end of the eighth full week of the term without academic penalty, provided the student follows the change of course procedures, as described previously.  Courses dropped between the eighth calendar day and the eighth week of the term are assigned a “W” grade.  Students dropping a course after the end of the eighth full week of the term are assigned a grade of F, U, or NC in the dropped course; the grade of “F” is computed in the term and cumulative grade point averages.

A student who unofficially drops a course for which he or she is registered without following the above procedure will receive a grade of F, U, or NC in the course.  In the case of part time students, no refund of tuition is allowed for any course dropped after the seventh calendar day of the term.

No course may be dropped during the last two weeks of classes.

Graduate students should refer to the registration materials mailed to them for guidelines, and see “Change of Course” above.

Special Registration Options for Undergraduate Students

Pass/No Credit Courses

Eligible matriculated undergraduate students may register for a Pass/No Credit grading basis for one course, up to a maximum of two courses.  Certain students may be eligible for P/NC after completion of 60 degree credits. Other students may exercise this option only in their senior year. Some schools require the P/NC choice to be made at the time of registration, other schools allow 6-8 weeks for the P/NC option to be chosen.  However, once students declare their intention to take the course for P/NC to the Registrar, their decision cannot be reversed.  A student registering for a P/NC course must complete all of the required work in the course including all examinations and assigned papers or projects.  While a successfully completed P/NC course earns degree credit, it is not calculated in the cumulative grade point average. A grade of “C” or better must be achieved in order to convert the instructor’s grade to a PASS.

For more specific information on course restrictions, options available, and completion of applicable request forms, students should consult their respective Academic Deans or refer to the Academic Policies and Procedures Manual for their individual colleges.

Repeated Courses (Please refer to your specific campus)

Credit Prefixes

– No credit earned toward the degree and no grade computed in the cumulative grade-point average
– Credits are earned toward the degree, but the grade is not computed in the cumulative grade-point average
– Credits are not earned toward the degree, but the grade is computed in the cumulative grade-point average
– Assigned at the time the student initially registers for the course. It indicates no credit earned toward the degree, no grade computed in the grade-point average, no final exam taken, and the student received a grade of “S” (satisfactory) or “U” (unsatisfactory)
– Indicates a course taken on a Pass/No Credit basis


Students wishing to withdrawal from all of their courses must follow the University Withdrawal Process to submit an official online withdrawal form.

Student Classification (Please refer to your specific campus)

Enrollment Status

Undergraduate, Law, and New Brunswick & Newark Business School students

Status for undergraduate students, law students, and Rutgers Business School undergraduate or graduate students is determined during the fall and spring terms as follows:

Number of Credits Enrollment Status
12 or more Full time
9-11.5 Three quarter time
6-8.5 Half time
Fewer than 6 credits Less than half time

Graduate and Camden Business School students

Status for graduate students is determined during the fall and spring terms as follows:

Number of Credits Enrollment Status
9 or more Full time
6.5-8.5 Three quarter time
4.5-6 Half time
Below 4.5 Less than half time

Summer Enrollment Requirements


Undergraduate Graduate/Law School Rutgers Business School (Newark)
Full-time 12 or more credits 6 or more credits 12 or more credits
Three-quarters time 9-11.5 credits N/A 9-11.5 credits
Half-time 6-8.5 credits 3-5.5 credits 6-8.5 credits
Less than half-time 5.5 or less credits 2.5 or less credits 5.5 or less credits

Special Registration Options for Graduate Students

Credit Prefixes

– Course does not count in average or toward degree
– 300-400 level Undergraduate Course – taken for credit toward graduate degree currently sought (not applicable for non-matriculated students)
– Not for Credit – S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) Grade — No final exam
– Course taken on PASS/NO CREDIT basis — Only permitted by student’s school and school offering course
Note:Credit Prefixes required only under the above conditions

Religious Holiday Policy

It is University policy (University Regulation on Attendance, Book 2, 2.4.7B) to excuse without penalty students who are absent from class because of religious observances, and to allow the make-up of work missed because of such absence.  Examinations and special required out-of-class activities shall ordinarily not be scheduled on those days when religiously observant students refrain from participating in secular activities.  Absences for reason of religious obligation shall not be counted for purposes of reporting.

Students are advised to provide timely notification to instructors (at the beginning of the semester) about necessary absences for religious observances that would interfere with their participation in classes during the semester. Students are responsible for making up the work or exams according to an agreed upon schedule with their instructor.